DNA Paternity Test in Prince Edward Island

DNA Testing, Paternity Testing and DNA Tests in Prince Edward Island are becoming more commonplace and International Biosciences have been called upon to provide testing services on numerous occasions.
Paternity Testing in Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island is a Canadian province consisting of an island of the same name, as well as other islands. The maritime province is the smallest in the nation in land area. The island has a few other names: “Garden of the Gulf” referring to the pastoral scenery and lush agricultural lands throughout the province; and “Birthplace of Confederation”, referring to the Charlottetown Conference in 1864, although PEI did not join the confederation until 1873, when it became the seventh Canadian province. According to the 2011 census, the province of Prince Edward Island has 140,204 residents. It is located approximately 200 km north of Halifax, Nova Scotia and 600 km east of Quebec City. It consists of the main island plus 231 minor islands. Altogether, the entire province has a land area of 5,685.73 km2 (2,195.27 sq mi). The main island is 5,620 km2 (2,170 sq mi) in size, and is the 104th-largest island in the world, and Canada’s 23rd-largest island.
DNA Tests in Prince Edward Island
International Biosciences will send out a DNA tests kit to anybody who needs a paternity test in Price Edward Island by first class post.